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Every Monday in November, the newly formed San Marcos Cinema Club will feature a FREE film spotlighting cinema shot in our fair city.
The San Marcos Cinema Club — a fledgling organization comprised of local cinephiles: writers, artists & Texas State students — inaugurates its formation with a monthlong panel of screenings across town. The founding objective of the Cinema Club is “to cultivate a community unified by a shared desire to explore our collective knowledge & insights via the art of motion pictures.” 
Each film — ranging from campy 70’s horror to contemporary masterpieces — will be introduced by a Cinema Club curator, who will gently guide audience discussion afterward.
The schedule for the “Made in San Marcos” series is as follows:

The Getaway (1972)
The pioneering film that sparked decades of San Marcos movie-making: hunky fugitive Steve McQueen & his intrepid wife Ali MacGraw hightail it across Texas – fleeing lawmen & criminals alike – yet still find time to leap into our town’s famously refreshing Headwaters.
Mon, Nov. 2nd, 6:30 PM at San Marcos Public Library 
Piranha (1978)

A campy homage to Jaws from the so-called “Pope of Pop Cinema” director Roger Corman – & the screenwriting debut of John Sayles, no less – this B- movie classic chronicles the accidental release of flesh-devouring piranhas into the San Marcos River, that is, “Lost River Lake.”
Mon, Nov. 9th, 7 PM at Wake the Dead Coffeehouse
Race with the Devil (1975)
A murderous Satanic ritual ruins an otherwise merry RV trip for a gaggle of friends – Peter Fonda, cult fave Warren Oates & M*A*S*H*-star-turned- vegan-activist Loretta Swit – who try to outrun their diabolic pursuers on the scenic roadways west of town, along Devil’s Backbone.
Mon, Nov. 16th, 6:30 PM at San Marcos Public Library
Boyhood (2014)
This cinematic game-changer invites us – in real time, over a dozen years – into the lives of a central TX family. With eerie relatability, it probes concepts of growth & change. While a drama, its supreme patience – tracking the personal maturation of actresses & actors – renders the footage documentary, too. The film will be projected a half-block from where the titular “Boy” traverses the alleyway by the Courthouse. Free pizza at the screening – first-come, first-served — courtesy of Valentino’s!
Mon, Nov. 23rd, 7 PM at Homebrew Supply, south side of the Square
The Tree of Life (2005)
This lushly composed masterpiece of director Terrence Malick — winner of the Palme d’Or at Cannes & nominee of 3 Academy Awards — features heavy-hitters Brad Pitt & Sean Penn (but never in the same scene) in a rich contemplation of the significance of being human, interpreted through an aging man’s youthful recollections of 1950s Texas.
Mon, Nov. 30th, 6 PM at San Marcos Public Library

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