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Residents Encouraged To ‘Send Their Love From Kissing Alley’

With Valentine’s day around the corner, the San Marcos Main Street Program is accepting letters at the Valentines Mailbox in Kissing Alley now through Feb. 14.

Residents and visitors can drop Valentine’s Day letters and cards in the mailbox in Kissing Alley at 121 E. Hopkins. The Main Street staff will stamp “Sent from Kissing Alley” on the envelope and mail it to their designated loved one.

Letters must be enclosed in an envelope with a U.S. postage stamp and have a clearly written full address on the front. To ensure a timely delivery, residents are encouraged to drop their letters off no later than Feb. 5.

Main Street encourages everyone to participate in this local activity, and invites participants to mail out as many letters as they wish.

For questions and more information contact the Main Street office at mainstreet@sanmarcostx.gov.


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