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Abbott Expands Local Authority On Outdoor Gatherings, Enacts Emergency Rules To Increase Safety At Child Care Centers

As COVID-19 cases rise in Texas, Governor Greg Abbott has expanded the ability of mayors and county judges to impose restrictions on outdoor gatherings of over 100 people.

AUSTIN – As COVID-19 cases rise in Texas, Governor Greg Abbott has expanded the ability of mayors and county judges to impose restrictions on outdoor gatherings of over 100 people. Previously, this applied only to outdoor gatherings over 500 people.

The Governor has also directed the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to enact emergency rules that provide strict health and safety standards and procedures related to COVID-19 for child care centers in Texas.

These two actions are based on data showing an increase in COVID-19 transmission stemming from large gatherings and child care centers.

“These are just some of the steps Texas will take to contain the rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations,” said Governor Abbott. “Today’s proclamation and emergency rules will aid in that effort in two key ways: allowing restrictions on large gatherings where COVID-19 is easily spread and implementing a statewide standard of infection control for child care centers. However, as we face this challenge, there is no substitute for personal responsibility. I urge all Texans to do everything in their power to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus by wearing a face mask, washing their hands often, and staying six-feet apart from others.”

Read Governor Abbott’s proclamation.

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One Comment

  1. “… do everything in their power to reduce the transmission of the coronavirus by wearing a face mask, washing their hands often, and staying six-feet apart from others.”

    I am. Its your asinine rules that are standing in the way of that happening. COVID is out there. Sheltering has proven to be ineffective. Get it. Get over it. Move on toward herd immunity. DONE!

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