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AGE Of Central Texas To Host Virtual “Driving Safety For Older Adults And Their Caregivers” Seminar

AGE of Central Texas will host the free virtual caregiver support seminar exploring “Driving Safety for Older Adults and Their Caregivers” on Saturday, July 18, 2020. 

Part of the on-going workshop series to help family members effectively care for an older adult, the free seminar will be held from 10:00 to 11:30 AM online.

Occupational Therapist and Driver Rehab Specialist Megan Frazier will discuss how caregivers can utilize proven techniques to determine an older adult’s fitness to drive, and how to have difficult conversations about driving. 

Frazier owns Functional Stability and Mobility and is the Vice President of the Association of Driver Rehab Specialist Texas Chapter, Co-Chair for TOTA SIS for Driving and Community Mobility, serves on the University of Mary Hardin Baylor Occupational Therapy Advisory Board, and has worked as an occupational therapist in Skilled Nursing Facilities and acute care facilities for the past 17 years.

She specializes in helping clients with neurological and complex medical conditions addressing fitness to drive.

In addition, Stephanie Lane, Executive Director of Drive a Senior West Austin, will discuss Drive a Senior’s ability to serve as a buffer as older adults transition away from driving. 

She will also explore how to help older adults maintain their independence while providing caregivers with relief and peace of mind.

Registration for the conference is free, but space is limited. Participants can register by calling (512) 600-9275, or online at http://www.TinyURL.com/AGEjuly2020.

For more information on the programs and resources provided by AGE of Central Texas, visit www.AGEofCentralTX.org or call (512) 451-4611.

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