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Art From All Over Texas On Display During The Tiny Art of Texas Exhibit At 218 Co-op Gallery In San Marcos

San Marcos, TX — The artist-owners at 218 Co-op Gallery have announced the upcoming Tiny Art of Texas exhibition.

The show features artists from all over the state of Texas with small format 2D and 3D work. All pieces in the show will be tiny—specifically less than 10” in any dimension.

After much deliberation, the group of nine Co-op members curated a show of about 140 pieces in a range of media, styles and techniques.

The exhibit will have work representing 38 different Texas towns and cities.

Jewelry Designer and Co-op Vice President Christine Terrell notes, “Now that the participating artists have been notified, it’s been really fun to see our social media channels light up with so many artists from all across Texas posting their excitement about being part of this inaugural event.” 

Member artist Susan Best spearheaded this first foray into juried exhibits for 218 and has worked diligently to bring her expertise to bear in the process.

“For galleries and art lovers alike, juried shows are a great chance to discover new artists,” Best said. “Tiny art also provides a fantastic opportunity for people to feel like they can afford that first piece of original art. We hope to match up many new artists and patrons during the exhibit.” 

The show will be on display from Thursday, November 7, 2019, to Sunday, December 1, 2019, during normal business hours in the gallery.

The opening reception and presentation of awards will take place on Saturday, November 9, 2019, from 6 to 9 PM. The reception is open to the public and will feature music, refreshments and maybe even some dancing in Jack’s Alley adjacent to the gallery. 

The opening reception on Nov. 9 will also feature renowned artist Catherine Lee as Guest Judge. She will be presenting the award for Best of Show as well as an award of Excellence and one of Distinction.

The recipient of Best of Show will be given an opportunity to exhibit as a 218 Co-op Guest Artist for a month-long solo display in a portion of the gallery during 2020.

218 Co-op Gallery’s downtown historic space is filled with great art and the artists offer hands-on workshops, lively events, and convivial community.

The gallery is at 218 N. Guadalupe and regular hours are Thursdays and Fridays from 3 to 7, Saturdays from 11 to 7 and Sundays 11 to 3. Artwork by member artists can also be found online at www.218coopgallery.com.

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