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Becerra and Zwiener secure places on November 2022 election ballot following wins in the March 1 Primary

Sierra Martin | Managing Editor

HAYS COUNTY — The 2022 Democratic Primary election wrapped up on March 1, and the unofficial results have been released. Voters have selected several candidates to be on the November 2022 election ballot, while others will be seen again for the runoff election. In Hays County, only 8.2% of registered voters showed up to the polls. 

Locally, in the Democratic Primary, incumbent Ruben Becerra beat Brandon Burleson in the race for Hays County Judge with 68.58% of the vote. Erin Zwiener led the race for Democratic State Representative of District 45 with over 83% of the votes.

Additionally, the Hays County Democratic Chair position was secured by Briana “Bri” Castillo after winning 52.05% of the vote. Elaine Cardenas will be the County Clerk on the November election ballot after securing a 74.21% lead on her opponent. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 candidate Beth Smith advanced in the race and secured 68.11% of the vote. State Board of Education, District 5 candidate Rebecca Bell-Metereau won the primary with 73.89% of the vote.

Hays County races on the runoff election ballot include County Commissioner for Precinct 2, where Michelle Gutierrez Cohen leads with 40.28% of the votes. 

For the State of Texas Democratic Primary, Beto O’Rourke will be facing off against incumbent Greg Abbott for Texas Governor in the November 2022 election after winning over 90% of the vote. With the majority vote, Greg Cesar secured his place on the ballot for U.S. Representative of District 35.

The race for Lieutenant Governor will be in the runoff elections, with candidate Mike Collier leading in the primaries. Voters will have the opportunity to vote for their choice of candidates for Attorney General again in the runoff election, with Rochelle Mercedes Garza leading in the polls.

Additionally, candidates in the U.S. Representative for District 21, 3rd Justice of the Court of Appeals, Commissioner of the General Land Office and Comptroller of Public Accounts races will face off again in the runoff elections.

The run-off election for the March 1 Primaries will be held on March 24, 2022. 

Full reports of the 2022 Democratic Primary Election unofficial results can be found below.

Hays County Democratic 2022 Primary results



Texas 2022 Democratic Primary Results (Updated March 2, 9:42 PM)

DEM FIN::Texas Election Night Results::

This article was updated to provide updated results in the Democratic Primary Election.

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