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Bills Recently Presented To The President For is Signature

Bills are presented to the President of the United States for his signature all the time. Yet most of the time, the general public doesn’t know what they are, what the effect will be or how to find them the bills themselves.

Below is a list of bills and a brief explanation of those bills that have recently been passed by Congress and that have been presented for President Trump’s signature on January 2, 2019 with links to the Enrolled Bill1 PDF. Each PDF includes addition links for further explanation of the bill.

Bills Recently Presented to President Trump


  • S.252 — A bill to authorize the honorary appointment of Robert J. Dole to the grade of colonel in the regular Army.


  • S.863 — A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the grade and pay of podiatrists of the Department of Veterans Affairs.



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