Buda Municipal Complex Recognized With Urban Land Institute Award

BUDA, TX — The City of Buda announced last week that the city’s new Municipal Complex was recognized with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) “Best Public Place” award. The ULI celebrates projects that achieve excellence in land use practice.

The Best Public Place award recognizes a completed project that provides the public with enhanced civic, open or public space access or experiences.

Construction on the City of Buda Municipal Complex was completed in the spring of 2018 and it opened to the public in July of 2018 and the architect firm Page and general contractor JE Dunn lead the project design and construction.

The 55,000 square foot facility includes City Administrative Offices, City Council Chambers, the Economic Development Corporation office, community multi-purpose space, Emergency Operations Center and the Buda Public Library.

“When we set out to design and construct the City of Buda Municipal Complex we wanted the space to truly be a community gathering point,” said City Manager Kenneth Williams. “The lobby is a  large shared common space where it can be used for gatherings, or even just to sit and read.   Citizens also love the much larger Buda Public Library and utilize the various meeting spaces the facility has to offer.”

“Our goal as the City of Buda’s construction partner on the new Municipal Complex/Library, Police Station and Parks and Maintenance Building was to build inspiring places for the community and create a great experience for everyone involved,” said Jason Beiter, VP, Project Executive, JE Dunn Construction. JE Dunn was honored to play a role in these impactful projects and bring to life Buda’s vision for the future.”

“By collocating the library and city hall, it opened the door for us to create a large shared common space; it is a room that we like to call the city’s living room,” said Ginny Chilton, Page Project Manager. “It can be used for gatherings before events or for settling in with a cup of coffee and a good read with a view of the trees. There’s no other building like it, because every design decision was inspired by the unique setting, the community and the people of Buda.”

Source: City of Buda

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