San Marcos To Discuss Uhland Road Drainage Improvements
This project will improve drainage and mobility along County and Uhland Roads during rain events and is the first City project to be funded through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program…
The Engineering Department will host a community meeting to introduce the Uhland Road Improvements project Monday, June 11 at 6 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, 1906 N IH-35.
This project will improve drainage and mobility along County and Uhland Roads during rain events and is the first City project to be funded through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program (CDBG-DR). The City was awarded these funds following the 2015 flood events.
The project includes:
- Installation of a stormwater drainage system along County and Uhland Roads with an outfall to the Blanco River
- Reconstruction of County Road and widening and reconstruction of Uhland Road between IH-35 and approximately 200 feet south of the Aquarena Springs Dr. intersection
- Improvements to the Uhland and River Road intersection
- A shared use path will be added along Uhland Road to Aquarena Springs Drive
- Upgraded water and wastewater improvements along Uhland Road
The project construction cost is estimated at $6.4 million. Design started in September 2017, and construction is anticipated to begin in the summer of 2019.
For more information on the project, please call the City of San Marcos Engineering Department at 512.393.8130 or visit www.sanmarcostx.gov.