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CAPCOG: Field Officer Training Law Enforcement Course

Posted by Staff | @CorridorNews | @Corridor_Sports



CAPCOG’s Regional Law Enforcement Academy will teach how to provide supervised field training for new recruits in any law enforcement discipline during a 24-hour course offered in Johnson City.

The goal of the Field Officer Training Course is to transition the recruit from a classroom setting to an actual hands-on assignment. The course includes training in instructional techniques, coaching and evaluation, remedial training and record keeping. It is designed to provide training guidance and training aspects to future Field Training Officers in the area of law enforcement, including peace officers, jailers, telecommunication operators, correction officers, public service officers, and etc.

The course also introduces and teaches the student the history and purpose behind field training, training methodologies and techniques, counseling, the evaluation process, and the importance of documentation.


Each student must demonstrate, while being evaluated at the end of the course, the basic knowledge required to effectively apply all applications of the training.

Cost: $125.00

Date and Times: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday Jan. 20-22, 2015

Registration Deadline: Jan. 6, 2015

Location: Blanco County Sheriff’s Office
400 S US Highway 281
Johnson City, Texas 78636

Number of Continuing Education Hours: 24

TCOLE Course Number: 3702

> Find more training opportunities with CAPCOG and the Regional Law Enforcement Academy.

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