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Caroling at Regent Care

block-quote-verticle-purple-bar-7x100Over the past 5 years Gary Job Corps and San Marcos Embassy Suites have partnered to spread Christmas joy by singing carols and giving out holiday cookies to the residents at Regent Care Nursing Home, the US Army Recruiting joined this year.  

Additionally, Gary Job Corps and Embassy Suites celebrate Father’s and Mother’s Day with the residents with cards, cookies and fellowship. 

Pictured from Gary Job Corps;  students, Gina Gutierrez, Demariae Ivory, Labria Marshall, Irene Ramos, staff, Rachel Garnes, Susanne Ritter, Randolph Goodman, from San Marcos Embassy Suites, Dale Anderton, Daniela Verdin, Janelle Gephart, Larry Cooper, Diane Khiong, Brittany Patrick, Christopher Benton, Taylor Teis, Lillian Heyen, Jean Wood, Fernando Sanez, Elva Zdeb, Bridget Gaughan, and  US Army Captain Michael McCown. 


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