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Coronaviris Updates

Austin Tech Alliance Announces Tech Volunteering Website, Lend A Hand ATX

The website helps skilled tech volunteers and those in need make critical community connections during the COVID-19 crisis, and beyond...

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Hays County Reports Five New Lab-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases, 140 Total Confirmed

"This executive order shall supersede any conflicting order issued by local officials in response to the COVD-19 disaster, but only…

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Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Establishing Strike Force To Open Texas

Within the orders, select activities and services that pose minimal to no threat of spreading COVID-19 are allowed to reopen…

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Commissioners To Consider Contracts With Local Healthcare Facilities For COVID-19 Testing

Commissioners will consider a contract that will address services needed to administer molecular testing of COVID-19 and include the 2…

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Gov. Abbott, Texas National Guard Announce COVID-19 Mobile Testing Sites

The areas for these MTTs will be identified by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) with the first…

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UT Austin Health Launches Telehealth Monitoring Service To Track COVID-19

The new platform remotely tracks the health of people with COVID-19 using the company's technology platform originally designed to monitor…

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Daily Breakdown Of Coronavirus Cases Across Texas Counties For Monday, April 20

"This executive order shall supersede any conflicting order issued by local officials in response to the COVD-19 disaster, but only…

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Hays County Reports Two New Lab-Confirmed COVID-19 Cases, 127 Total Confirmed

"This executive order shall supersede any conflicting order issued by local officials in response to the COVD-19 disaster, but only…

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Daily Breakdown Of Coronavirus Cases Across Texas Counties For Sunday, April 19

"This executive order shall supersede any conflicting order issued by local officials in response to the COVD-19 disaster, but only…

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Hays County Reports 4 New Cases Of Coronavirus, With 54 Recovered

"This executive order shall supersede any conflicting order issued by local officials in response to the COVD-19 disaster, but only…

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