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5 Tips To Reduce Food Waste

The scenario is all too common: tucked away in the far corner of a refrigerator or a pantry shelf is…

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CASA Volunteers Making A Difference

With COVID19, Sharon had to change her methods for staying in contact with Kym and the many people involved in…

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How Much Would Mom Earn Doing What She Does Everyday With Love?

The coronavirus pandemic may leave many people at home this Mother's Day, but while people may not be able to…

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Two Regional Non-Profits Partner To Help Seniors Tackle Mental Health Issues Due To Social Distancing

“The most recent statistics about social isolation say that 43% of persons over the age of 60 report feeling socially…

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AUS Hosts JetStream Music Festival In Partnership With 22 North American Airports

Beyond the music, viewers will hear from leadership at many of the airports. Airports across North America remain open for…

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Practicing Self-Compassion During Shelter In Place

We know that all of us are focused on the current COVID-19 crisis and adjusting to all the changes that…

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BBQ Benefit Sunday For Injured Officer Paul Beller

“This month has been exceptionally difficult for SMPD,” said Interim Police Chief Bob Klett, referring to Beller’s...

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Price Center Providing Virtual Connections During COVID Crisis

“The healthy habits and programming we offer and promote at the Center have proved to be an irresistible attraction for…

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Sexual Abuse & A Global Pandemic – More Similar Than Not

Some people are taking the time to reflect and reevaluate their lives, while others are in survival mode and attempting…

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San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter ‘Pets Of The Week’

Every week, the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter selects the Pets of the Week to help animals find their forever…

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