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Texas Transportation Commission Allows Billboards To Double In Size

The Texas Transportation Commission agreed to remove an existing restriction on billboards, effective in September 2019, that will permit billboards…

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San Marcos Downtown Co-Marketing Fund Grants Available

“In hopes to have more businesses take advantage of this awesome opportunity, we have worked to make the process more…

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Video: Diminishing The Jargon: Capitalization

We have found most don't know or understand specific words or "Jargon", so to speak, which is used in the…

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Texas Comptroller Releases February’s Sales Tax Revenue Totals

“Growth was especially notable in remittances from oil- and gas-related sectors as well as wholesale trade. But collections from retail…

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San Marcos P&Z Approves A One Year CUP For Olive Garden

While no complaints had been filed with the city prior, P&Z heard complaints from residents during the January 23 meeting.…

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Bulls In The Oil Patch, The Rebounding Energy Boosts Land Market

Well, forget about all of that. The last half of 2017 saw remarkable reversals in several areas where unusual activity…

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Another Good Year Ahead For Texas, Especially For Housing

There are two primary speed bumps... First, there isn't much developed lot inventory. The cost to develop a lot suitable…

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Raising Tipped Minimum Wages Has Mixed Benefits

Recent research by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that rising minimum wages may increase server employment, but do not always…

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Looking At Slowing Employment Growth In The Austin Area

Throughout much of 2016 and 2017, job creation in the Austin metro area remained positive, but it was steadily declining.…

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Worker Death Leads To OSHA Fines For Manufacturer

A plastics manufacturing company received proposed penalties of $195,144 by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) following a fatal…

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