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PEC Solar Rate Enrollment Begins Dec. 4

“We value our members and recognize that a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach doesn’t always fit everyone, especially when it comes to rates,”…

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Industry Group Helps DWC Employees Affected By Hurricane Harvey

“We’re extremely thankful that SAWCA was able to step in and help these deserving employees,” Brannan said. Texas Commissioner of…

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New HERO Trucks Now Patrolling I-35, US 183 Providing Assistance To Stranded Motorists

Established in 2010, the HERO program, in partnership with the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and the Capital Area Metropolitan…

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SMRF’s $4.4 Million Property Purchase Returns To Dias This Afternoon

“Flood mitigation is only part of the integrated Stormwater management approach that best protects stream health and man-made infrastructure.”

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Double Digit Growth In State’s November Sales Tax Revenue

Sales tax revenue is the largest source of state funding for the state budget, accounting for 58 percent of all…

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New Report: Four Of The Top 10 Cities For Women Entrepreneurs Are In Texas

Women-owned businesses are thriving in Texas and across the U.S.

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Federal Tax Reform Proposals Impact Local Government Bonds, Property And Sales Tax Deduction

Both the House and Senate versions of the bill also differ with respect to the current SALT (State and Local…

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Texas Housing Insight – October 2017 Summary

Short-term home price appreciation relaxed in Central Texas. But it's likely a temporary pause. Rising home prices continued to outpace...

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VIDEO: Are You Getting True Holistic Financial Planning?

With the word financial planning being watered down in the financial industry, how do you know if you are getting…

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What To Expect On San Marcos Roads During Week Of Sunday, Dec 3. – Saturday, Dec. 9

Short & Long Term Road Construction Projects Affecting San Marcos Traffic Sunday, December 3  - Saturday, December 9, 2017

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