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Freddie Mac Helps Lenders Bring Self-Employed Underwriting Into The Digital Age

Underwriting of this borrower segment by automating the lenders’ income calculation process and speeding up the mortgage application process...

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February’s Unemployment Rate Declined, Average Workweek Decreased And Hourly Earnings Rose

In February, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 11 cents to $27.66, following a…

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New Medical Office Building To Welcome Physicians Network, MedFirst Primary Care

This week, Only Epic Holdings announced that MedFirst Primary Care, part of the BHS Physicians Network, the fourth largest employer…

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Austin Encourages Small Businesses To Participate In City Solicitations For Contracts

“It is our hope that by re-focusing our business outreach efforts, more City contracts under $50,000 will be awarded to…

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Texas House Bill Would Put $9 Billion Into School Finance Reform And Property Tax Relief

Members of the Texas House received their first look at the soon-to-be-filed proposal in a one-page summary circulating around the…

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TAC Week In Review: A Digest Of What Happened Last Week At The Capitol

A Senate committee took up the appraisal process, increased transparency for property taxpayers, and more language on bond elections...

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Final Draft Of The ‘Austin Strategic Mobility Plan’ Released

Once the plan is approved council would next consider implementing a street impact fee, which is allowed under the local…

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Veterinary Occupations Growing Much Faster Than Other Occupations

employment projections show veterinary occupations are expected to add 51,700 new jobs and grow at a rate of 19 percent…

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Senate Committee On Finance Votes On Teacher Salary Increase

School districts would not be able to lower a teacher's salary in future years to supplant the raise...

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In the Texas House, Property Tax Legislation Is Being Handled With A Different Speed — And Tone

State Rep. Dustin Burrows, author of the House bill, said the House Ways and Means Committee is "not just trying…

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