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Electric vehicles gain ground but still face price, range, charging constraints

Michael D. Plante and Sean Howard Electric vehicles (EVs), though they can drive further than ever on a single charge,…

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Number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck jumps 7 percent, report shows

A growing number of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck despite increasing wages, a newly released report found...

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Democrats divided, police dissatisfied over Biden’s law enforcement messaging

“President Biden needs to know that merely not supporting the ‘defund the police’ slogan does not make him or his…

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Wholesale prices jump in January as inflation continues to soar

Federal debt spending continues to contribute to driving inflation higher as more money is printed to offset federal debts...

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Durham filing alleges Hillary Clinton’s team ‘mined’ White House servers to dig up dirt on Trump

In a court filing, John Durham, special counsel for the Department of Justice, alleged that a tech firm paid by…

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Report: Federal unemployment benefits kept millions from returning to work

“The takeaway is not just that some states improved their employment numbers and some didn’t. It’s that extending unemployment benefits…

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January’s jobs report shows huge job gains

U.S. adds 467,000 jobs in January, unemployment rate edges up...

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Most Americans say their finances are not better off since Biden took office

“Americans' pandemic-era doubts that they are advancing financially contrast with the prior six years, from 2015 to 2020, when significantly…

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Federal data: GOP-run states see most jobs recovered since pandemic began

“While Biden tries to smother the economic recovery he inherited, red states continue to see more jobs and lower unemployment...”

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Here’s a look at Justice Stephen Breyer’s legacy on Texas cases

Supreme Court justices do not have official party affiliations but are generally assessed as more liberal or conservative based on…

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