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Here’s What’s In The $4.6 Billion Border Aid Bill Passed By Congress

Democratic leadership in the House signed onto the GOP-led Senate's proposal Thursday after a fight over what should specifically be…

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Outbreak Investigation Of Salmonella Potentially Linked To Whole, Fresh Papayas

Preliminary analysis of product import records indicates that the whole, fresh papayas that made people sick in this outbreak were…

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Representatives, First Ladies Of Guatemala and Honduras Tour Southern Border

“This is a call to all Guatemalans: The processes to enter the U.S. are very long, and you will risk…

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Last Week’s Top 10 Bills From Congress.gov

Yesterday, Library of Congress, released the top ten most-viewed bills list for last week and the list can be past…

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DHS Formally Transfers The National Bio And Agro-Defense Facility To USDA

“NBAF will be the first facility in the United States with maximum biocontainment, BSL-4 labs, where we can develop vaccines…

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EPA Finalizes Affordable Clean Energy Rule

ACE will reduce emissions of CO2, mercury, as well as precursors for pollutants like fine particulate matter and ground-level ozone...

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VA Answers Top Questions About The New Mission Act

Last week, VA implemented changes to community care under the VA MISSION Act. The changes included expanded eligibility for community care…

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Cornyn Urges Reimbursement Of Local Texas Communities For Migrant Care

Conversations with local officials in Texas, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) sent a letter urging Senate appropriators to reimburse local…

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DHS, HHS Sends Congress Urgent Letter Requesting Emergency Supplemental Funding To Address Border Crisis

The Administration’s supplemental will allow both DHS and HHS to address the humanitarian and security crisis currently facing our Southwest…

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Library Of Congress Releases Top Ten Most-Viewed Bills From Last Week

Congressional documents from the first 100 years of the U.S. Congress (1774-1875) can be accessed through A Century of Lawmaking.

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