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President Receives Disaster Relief Bill, Hurricane Harvey Funds Included….Finally!

The president's signature of the bill would release billions of dollars to communities around the country decimated by disasters. It…

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The 2020 Census Will Impact Your City’s Federal Funding For Programs, Housing, Infrastructure, Transportation And Environment

Only 45% of respondents knew the census of population and housing — conducted every 10 years in the United States…

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2020 Census Will Impact Your City’s Federal Funding For Programs, Housing, Infrastructure, Transportation And Environment

Only 45% of respondents knew the census of population and housing — conducted every 10 years in the United States…

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Last Week’s Top 10 Most Read U.S. Bills, Legislation, Laws

Yesterday, Library of Congress, released the top ten most-viewed bills list for last week and the list can be past…

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Last Week’s Top 10 Most Read U.S. Bills, Legislation, Laws

Yesterday, Library of Congress, released the top ten most-viewed bills list for last week and the list can be past…

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College Degree Widens Gender Earning Gap

College Degree Widens Gender Earning Gap. Among the Educated, Women Earn 74 Cents for Every Dollar Men Make...

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Survey Finds Only 45 Percent Know That Census Data Guide Community Funding Decisions

Knowing that the census guides how much money a community gets from the government is the most important reason for…

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Library Of Congress Release Last Week’s Top 10 Most Viewed Bills

It is presented by the Library of Congress (LOC) using data from the Office of the Clerk of the U.S.…

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$19.1B Federal Disaster Relief Bill Stalls On 1 Nay Vote Coming From Texas

Already passed by the U.S. Senate on May 23, the vote came before the U.S. House when U.S. Rep. Chip…

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Analysis Of The New Job Openings, Labor Turnover Data By Size Of Firm

Each business contributes to the U.S. labor market in its own way, whether by fulfilling the American dream of business…

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