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Internet Access Is An Entitlement? Not So Fast

So long as ISPs rightfully own their service, they are not obligated by any rightful standpoint to provide any form…

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Mortgage Rates Pull Back

“The downward spiral in oil prices and a volatile equities market caused mortgage rates to decline 13 basis points to…

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Two National Laboratories Receive USDA’s BioPreferred Program Procurement Award

The oil-based lubricants used during fabrication required large amounts of oil, resulting in overspray to workers, equipment, and the general…

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VA Realigns Several Program Offices To Improve Efficiency In Meeting Veterans’ Health Care Needs

“The realignment creates greater accountability and clearer governance for the program offices that perform these critical functions,” said VA Secretary…

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The First Step Act Is A Giant Leap Forward For Criminal Justice Reform

It’s time to undo the damage done by previous lawmakers and usher in a new era of second chances… Brittany…

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Today In History – John F. Kennedy Assassinated

For the next several days, stunned Americans gathered around their television sets as regular programming yielded to nonstop coverage of…

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Writing Contest For Young Readers Across The Country Announced

Students across the U.S. in Grades 4-12 can win cash prizes of up to $2,000… Letters About Literature, the Library…

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Breaking Food Alert CDC – ‘Do Not Eat Any Romaine’ Outbreak Of E. Coli Infections Linked To Romaine Lettuce

CDC is advising that U.S. consumers not eat any romaine lettuce, and retailers and restaurants not serve or sell any,…

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What Is The New US Cybersecurity And Infrastructure Security Agency

This legislation elevates the mission of the former National Protection and Programs Directorate within DHS and establishes the Cybersecurity and…

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Subprime Loans Are Back, Proving We Have Learned Nothing From 2008

Many are claiming that this time will be different than the last. This should concern just about everyone… Brittany Hunter…

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