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After Florida Shooting, U.S. Rep. Kay Granger Of Texas Proposes Funding Metal Detectors In Schools

The bill, which Granger hopes to submit by the end of next week, would fully fund the installation of metal…

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The Opportunity Project Addresses Homelessness Among Other Challenges

On any given night, about 40,000 veterans are homeless and about 13,000 of them are sleeping on the streets. Returning…

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Hurricane Harvey Funds Continue To Flow Into Texas

The final amount of hazard-mitigation funds is based on 15 percent of the total amount of individual assistance, plus public…

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Worker Death Leads To OSHA Fines For Manufacturer

A plastics manufacturing company received proposed penalties of $195,144 by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) following a fatal…

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Protecting America’s Power Grids – A Huge New Marketplace Filled With Opportunities For Companies With Cybersecurity Capabilities

America’s power grids have been vulnerable to physical and cyberattacks for a very long time. But now, the very frightening…

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‘We Want To Connect With Veterans Before They Know They Need Us’: VA Launches Concierge For Care Program

Last week the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced the launch of Concierge for Care, a health-care enrollment initiative…

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Calls For Better Background Checks After Florida Shooting

In his first public comments since the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting last week, Abbott called the status quo "unacceptable."

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Everything You Need To Know About Casting A Ballot In The Texas Primary Elections

How do I know if I’m registered to vote? What am I voting on? How do runoffs work? We've got…

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Audit: Company Behind Texas “Clean Coal” Project Used Federal Funds For Liquor, Limousines And Lobbying

The U.S. Department of Energy's inspector general says that a now-bankrupt company behind a defunct West Texas "clean coal" power…

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Cornyn Votes For Path To Citizenship For DACA Recipients, Resources To Boost Border Security

The Trump Administration has been punishing to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program since the President took off.…

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