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30 Days Left To Be Counted In The U.S. 2020 Census

Currently, Texas has an 79.5% total response rate, which includes self-response and Nonresponse Followup (NRFU) operations.

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TxDOT Reminds Drivers To “Plan While You Can” This Labor Day

“We encourage people to enjoy the long weekend, but to do so responsibly,” said TxDOT Executive Director James Bass. “If…

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Abbott, HHSC Announce Extension Of Emergency SNAP Benefits For The Month Of September

"As families return to school, this extension helps Texans purchase healthy, nutritious foods for their households," said Texas HHS Access…

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Recovery Continues In Texas Manufacturing

The production index, a key measure of state manufacturing conditions, came in at 13.1, down slightly from July but still…

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Governor Abbott Surveys Hurricane Laura Damage, Provides Update On Response And Recovery Efforts

Governor Abbott commended the Southeast Texas community for evacuating ahead of the storm, as this minimized the loss of life…

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‘Undertold Marker’ Applications Available September 1

The signs record the history of the county and are valuable aids for education and heritage tourism. The markers are…

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DOJ Investigating States With Orders That May Have Resulted In Nursing Home Deaths

New Jersey’s death rate by population is 1,733 deaths per million people – the highest in the nation. In contrast,…

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Texas’ Electricity Resources: Where Power Comes From — And How It Gets To You

According to the U.S. EIA, Texas, both produces and consumes more electricity than any other state. Texas’ abundant natural resources,…

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Abbott Provides Update On Hurricane Laura, Urges Texans To Prepare For Impact Of Storm

Governor Abbott stressed that power outages are likely, and urged Texans to avoid bringing generators into their homes due to…

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Texas AG: Texas Will Continue The Fight For Religious Liberty

As reconfirmed by the United States Supreme Court in July, the First Amendment protects churches’ autonomy with regard to internal…

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