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Letter To The Editor: United Way Hays County

Dear Editor: Some of your readers have asked in recent days where exactly the money donated to the United Way…

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How Often Do You Have To Sit Through A Company Meeting?

Death By meeting   Businesses today are suffering from Death by Meetings – too many meetings that just don’t accomplish…

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Blue Bell Will Undoubtedly Make Comeback Despite Setbacks

The Main Point   The South’s favorite ice cream distributor, Blue Bell Creameries, recently got themselves into a world of…

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$6M Question: Students Or Admin Offices

REV. TODD SALMI SAN MARCOS RESIDENT @ToddSalmi    I am deeply disappointed with the push by district administrators to convince…

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$6M Question: Students Or Admin Offices

REV. TODD SALMI SAN MARCOS RESIDENT @ToddSalmi I am deeply disappointed with the push by district administrators to convince our…

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Battleground Texas’ Bleak Future

By Dave Carney   On Feb. 26, 2013, the Houston Chronicle ran this headline: “Today’s the day: Democrats Launch ‘Battleground Texas’ project to end…

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Bigger Buildings Would Mean Better Business

by,Jeffrey Bradshaw | Opinions Columnist  Government always finds a way to insert itself into people’s lives.   For example, here in downtown…

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An Eye Opening Breakdown of City Budget And Council Compensation

By, Melissa Jewett, Publisher   Tonight our City Council will vote to hike their compensation by 52.64%.   While doing…

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Al Sharpton’s Approach More Talk, Less Change

by, Mariana Castillo   “Move forward” is more than just a campaign slogan used by the Obama administration.   Although it…

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Panelists Say Longform Journalism Still Relevant In Today’s Media

By: Carlie Porterfield Several successful media figures gathered at the South by Southwest Interactive festival Sunday to discuss the art of…

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