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Corridor News Brings You The 2018 Election Results

We’ve broken down every race and made it super easy for you to follow. It’s Super Tuesday! The day of…

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Arredondo Campaign Releases Second Political Ad On Derrick

“As we gather additional information regarding your inquiry to staff on behalf of Ruben Becerra, please keep in mind the…

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UPDATED: Last Day Of Early Voting Totals For Hays County

During the 12-day early voting period, any voter who is entitled to vote an early ballot by personal appearance may…

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Texas State University To Provide Free Parking On Election Day

Signs will be posted directing voters to the garage, and voters must show the parking attendant their voting receipt to…

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OP/ED: Today Is The Final Day Of Early Voting

Today is the final day of early voting, with Tuesday being election day and your last chance to cast your…

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Day 11 Of Hays County Early Voting Turnout

During the 12-day early voting period, any voter who is entitled to vote an early ballot by personal appearance may…

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Hays County Day 10 Early Voting Turnout

During the 12-day early voting period, any voter who is entitled to vote an early ballot by personal appearance may…

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Day 9 Of Hays County Early Voting Totals

During the 12-day early voting period, any voter who is entitled to vote an early ballot by personal appearance may…

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Day 8 Of Hays County Early Voting Totals

During the 12-day early voting period, any voter who is entitled to vote an early ballot by personal appearance may…

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San Marcos City Council Race For Place 6 Heating Up

Party bosses and Democrat elected office holders are now calling for Ruben Becerra to suspend his race for County Judge,…

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