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Corridor News To Bring You The 2017 Election Results

We’ve broken down every race and made it super easy for you to follow. It’s Super Tuesday! The day of…

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Submitted Commentary: Russians Didn’t Orchestrate Trump’s Election – So Let’s Move On

With 3,141 counties in the United States (3,084 of which Trump won) and multiple voting districts within most of those…

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Reaching Across The Aisle, Legislators Target Voter Fraud At Nursing Homes

In a rare twist, Republicans and Democrats are jointly pushing an effort to crack down on voter fraud. The measure…

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UPDATED AT 9:31 PM: Election Results For City of San Marcos, Hays CISD, San Marcos CISD

  UPDATED AT 9:31 PM: Election Results For City of San Marcos, Hays CISD, San Marcos CISD  Special Election, City…

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Hays County Commissioners To Hear From Election Administrator On Untallied Votes

Presentation from the Hays County Elections Administrator regarding her press release of February 20, 2017. zzz Item 2 on the…

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Texas Electors Cast 36 Votes For Trump

All but two of Texas’ 38 electors voted Monday to officially put Donald Trump in the White House, with one…

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This Week’s Buda City Council Meeting Agendas

Buda City Council Regular Meeting Agenda - Tuesday, December 20, 2016 and an additional Special Meeting is scheduled to canvass…

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Run-Off Election Early Voting Totals For ACC, Buda & San Marcos

San Marcos Corridor News will be delivering the election totals LIVE, as we did for the Primary and General Election.

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Texas Republican Elector Says He Won’t Vote For Trump

More than a week after Art Sisneros of Dayton resigned as a Republican elector rather than support Donald Trump, Christopher Suprun…

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Election Outcome Sparks Protests At Texas State University

By, Connor Brown What started as a small silent protest by Hillary Clinton supporters Nov. 10, soon turned into several…

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