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Texans Benefit From Alternatives To Workers’ Compensation

These interests gain profits by using the legislative and regulatory process to design the comp systems, and they would lose…

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The Brief: Paxton Joins Cruz In Crusade Against ‘Internet Control’

By Alex Samuels The Big Conversation Another Texan has joined U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s crusade against the Obama administration’s “illegal…

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Outgoing Lawmakers: Boost Public Ed Funding To Fix School Finance

The assignment came from House Speaker Joe Straus in early June, weeks after a momentous Texas Supreme Court decision that…

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A Legacy To Remember: Years Of Excessive Over-Regulation

New Study Outlines The Aggregate Economic Cost of New Labor Market Regulations   The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), Texas…

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How To Watch The Stock Market In Uncertain Election Times

“From an investment standpoint, this isn’t about being for one candidate or the other,” Lupu says. “It’s a matter of…

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Gavel Presentation To Judge Cobb

Wonderful Day Gavel Presentation to Judge Cobb Gary Job Corps Machinist students constructed two gavels from aircraft aluminum utilizing skills…

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Coalition of 21 States Against the “Overtime Rule”

Texas AG Ken Paxton and Nevada AG Adam Laxalt Lead Coalition of 21 States Against the Obama Administration’s Illegal “Overtime…

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EXCLUSIVE: Wimberley Mayor Joins HEB Discussion ‘Will Stand With H-E-B Any Day & Be Proud’

Finally, when all the discussion and public comments were exhausted and the clock was run out, only one step remained…

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Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Named Trump’s Texas Chairman

"I want to ensure a solid Trump win and to remind Republican voters, and the new Trump voters who came…

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Texas Lawmakers Propose Change in Marijuana Possession

By, Terra Rivers   Texas Lawmakers and business leaders are pushing legislation to change the lives of individuals living with…

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