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Old Ruling Keeps Counties From Mineral Rights

By Bobby Blanchard South Texas counties scrambling for money to repair roads damaged by heavy trucks carrying oil field equipment…

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For Public Schools, What To Watch In Next Session

By Morgan Smith When Texas lawmakers come back to Austin in January, there will be a new governor who touts…

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Bryant Wins Runoff For ACC Board Seat

By Julie Chang – American-Statesman Staff   Gigi Edwards Bryant beat Jade Chang Sheppard for a spot on the Austin Community College board in…

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What Really Happened This Weekend

Why I tried to block Obama’s amnesty. By SEN. TED CRUZ   Politico: For the past week, Sen. Harry Reid has…

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State Law Could Short-Circuit Battery Breakthrough

By Jim Malewitz    Texas’ largest power line company says it has found a way to quickly revolutionize the state’s…

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Judge Allows Texas’ Ban On Same-Sex Marriage To Continue

By Bobby Blanchard    A judge on Friday declined to lift a stay that is preventing same-sex marriage in Texas. …

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Future Of CHIP Funding Looms Over State Budget

By Alexa Ura Few doubt that Congress will eventually reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program before it runs…

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Dr Ben Carson Prayer Breakfast Speech With President Obama

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HCRP Announces DR. Ben Carson as Lincoln/Reagan Keynote Speaker

Posted by Staff | @CorridorNews | @Corridor_News At the time of publishing, Dr. Ben Carson has not announced that he is running for…

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Abbott Plans to Add $4 Billion to Road Funding

Untitled Document By Aman Batheja    Gov.-elect Greg Abbott has set himself a tall order for his first legislative session:…

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