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Chairman James White Reminds Texans Of The National Day Of Prayer

By a joint resolution and signing into law, the United States Congress and President Harry S. Truman, respectively, created an annual National day of Prayer in 1952.

(Austin, TX) – State Representative James White invites his constituents to take part in the National Day of Prayer, on May 4th, 2017.

State Representative and Chairman James White

In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 it states: “I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings, and all those who are in authority.”

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation.

By a joint resolution and signing into law, the United States Congress and President Harry S. Truman, respectively, created an annual National day of Prayer in 1952.

The National Day of Prayer is a vital part of our heritage. Since the first call to prayer in 1775, when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation, the call to prayer has continued through our history, including President Lincoln’s proclamation of a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer” in 1863.

In 1988, Congress amended the law and President Reagan signed the legislation permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May.

Each year, the president signs a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day. Last year, all 50 state governors plus the governors of several U.S. territories signed similar proclamations

“It is important to recognize this honored tradition, and to share in the act of prayer and reverence for the grace and blessings bestowed upon us by our God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, with our fellow countrymen,” said Rep. White. 


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