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Cities In The Most Financial Distress During COVID-19

While the public-health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic remains a huge concern until we can provide widespread vaccination, it’s important to pay attention to how the disease has affected the financial status of people in cities across the U.S.

The unemployment rate has been improving as the country reopens, but 10.7 million Americans are still out of a job.

In addition, one survey estimates that nearly 69% of Americans would find it “somewhat difficult” or “very difficult” to meet their current financial obligations if their next paycheck were delayed for one week.

However, people in some cities are faring better than others.

In order to take a deeper look into where people are struggling the most financially, WalletHub compared the 100 largest cities without data limitations across nine key metrics.

Their data set includes factors like the change in the number of bankruptcy filings between September 2020 and September 2019, the average credit score, and the share of people with accounts in distress.


Source: WalletHub

Cities with the Most People in Financial Distress During COVID-19

Overall Rank*


Total Score

Credit Score

People in Distress

Average Number of Accounts in Distress

Change in Bankruptcy Filings

Search Interest for Debt

Search Interest for Loans

1 Las Vegas, NV 78.77 5 5 2 28 11 1
2 Phoenix, AZ 72.03 1 59 50 17 6 8
3 Chicago, IL 70.57 12 38 25 80 1 1
4 Miami, FL 67.64 81 48 81 14 1 8
5 San Antonio, TX 65.92 24 11 27 78 11 1
6 Los Angeles, CA 65.38 52 78 91 37 1 1
7 Fort Worth, TX 64.72 28 17 17 57 17 8
8 Houston, TX 64.70 62 40 40 91 1 1
9 Dallas, TX 63.97 33 51 67 67 6 1
10 Austin, TX 62.74 63 2 10 62 17 13
11 Orlando, FL 62.44 70 15 23 4 17 13
12 Detroit, MI 58.84 23 50 38 35 24 12
13 San Diego, CA 57.71 59 53 85 9 6 23
14 Jacksonville, FL 57.60 54 18 22 58 17 13
15 Memphis, TN 57.36 11 14 39 95 32 8
16 Albuquerque, NM 57.34 30 30 15 2 53 30
17 New York, NY 57.08 72 80 99 92 1 1
18 Laredo, TX 55.34 25 3 6 56 38 44
19 St. Louis, MO 54.61 47 32 55 24 32 13
20 North Las Vegas, NV 54.55 26 4 1 28 85 63
21 Indianapolis, IN 54.48 2 62 62 50 32 13
22 Philadelphia, PA 53.50 4 69 46 99 6 13
23 Cleveland, OH 53.21 41 33 35 59 32 13
24 Denver, CO 52.73 32 95 87 8 11 23
25 Mesa, AZ 52.65 15 27 3 17 65 51
26 Tampa, FL 51.72 46 19 53 42 24 30
27 Atlanta, GA 50.50 83 39 66 83 11 13
28 Minneapolis, MN 50.38 55 65 65 11 17 37
29 Oklahoma City, OK 50.36 7 67 52 16 65 23
30 Birmingham, AL 49.83 19 31 21 27 65 37
31 Reno, NV 49.55 42 6 4 13 85 81
32 Arlington, TX 49.29 50 25 19 61 38 30
33 Charlotte, NC 49.26 56 42 20 96 11 23
34 Baltimore, MD 48.55 38 54 59 74 17 30
35 Kansas City, MO 48.29 35 29 11 86 38 23
36 Cincinnati, OH 48.25 44 22 61 48 38 30
37 Milwaukee, WI 47.90 64 47 31 82 32 13
38 San Jose, CA 47.84 75 99 72 60 6 30
39 Des Moines, IA 47.44 31 10 13 12 85 89
40 Columbus, OH 47.39 51 26 43 72 38 23
41 Tucson, AZ 46.99 8 75 32 63 38 37
42 Baton Rouge, LA 46.97 73 1 5 87 76 37
43 Glendale, AZ 46.96 10 28 18 17 85 81
44 El Paso, TX 46.75 71 49 45 90 24 13
45 Louisville, KY 46.71 21 52 78 33 32 44
46 Nashville, TN 46.55 58 12 16 88 53 23
47 Sacramento, CA 46.41 9 96 73 43 24 37
48 Corpus Christi, TX 46.35 16 7 9 89 76 44
49 Richmond, VA 45.32 89 43 44 3 65 44
50 Henderson, NV 45.21 77 8 8 28 76 81
51 Seattle, WA 44.87 91 89 69 46 11 37
52 Washington, DC 44.28 40 46 56 81 24 37
53 Honolulu, HI 44.19 95 55 94 1 24 81
54 San Bernardino, CA 43.89 3 70 70 31 76 51
55 Fort Wayne, IN 43.50 53 36 28 7 85 73
56 Winston-Salem, NC 43.29 61 9 80 5 96 81
57 Tulsa, OK 43.20 37 60 74 25 65 44
58 Spokane, WA 42.18 34 13 7 70 96 91
59 Lubbock, TX 42.13 22 68 47 26 96 51
60 Portland, OR 42.10 36 87 86 41 24 51
61 Long Beach, CA 41.62 57 73 48 37 38 51
62 Norfolk, VA 41.53 6 76 51 44 76 63
63 Omaha, NE 41.47 39 81 95 6 38 63
64 Garland, TX 41.20 68 16 12 71 85 63
65 Bakersfield, CA 40.94 18 83 79 45 53 51
66 New Orleans, LA 40.92 43 23 42 97 65 30
67 Raleigh, NC 40.54 74 45 24 79 38 44
68 Greensboro, NC 40.44 66 21 41 84 38 51
69 Chandler, AZ 40.33 67 34 33 17 96 89
70 Stockton, CA 39.98 13 92 63 36 65 63
71 Hialeah, FL 39.82 49 56 90 14 65 73
72 Pittsburgh, PA 39.41 76 79 60 23 38 73
73 Irving, TX 39.40 82 20 14 77 76 51
74 Aurora, CO 39.23 48 72 77 40 53 63
75 Toledo, OH 39.09 29 61 54 47 85 63
76 Virginia Beach, VA 39.05 84 58 34 39 65 63
77 Fresno, CA 38.52 14 93 92 65 38 51
78 Colorado Springs, CO 37.84 65 84 97 32 53 44
79 Gilbert, AZ 37.35 97 24 30 17 85 99
80 San Francisco, CA 37.24 85 97 76 75 17 51
81 Buffalo, NY 37.24 27 37 37 98 38 73
82 Riverside, CA 37.19 60 82 96 49 38 51
83 Plano, TX 37.14 96 44 26 55 53 73
84 Oakland, CA 36.18 45 77 75 68 53 73
85 Wichita, KS 35.94 17 88 84 73 76 51
86 Anaheim, CA 35.22 92 64 68 51 53 73
87 Chula Vista, CA 35.07 80 66 88 9 85 91
88 Santa Ana, CA 33.82 87 90 82 51 53 63
89 Durham, NC 33.75 93 35 29 76 76 81
90 Chesapeake, VA 33.32 86 41 36 85 65 91
91 Newark, NJ 32.59 20 57 57 100 53 73
92 Boise, ID 32.12 90 71 64 64 76 81
93 Irvine, CA 32.10 100 63 83 51 38 81
94 Lincoln, NE 31.95 69 86 71 34 100 99
95 Boston, MA 30.68 94 74 98 93 24 63
96 Scottsdale, AZ 29.01 99 94 89 17 85 91
97 Anchorage, AK 27.51 79 98 93 54 85 91
98 Madison, WI 27.44 88 85 100 66 65 91
99 Jersey City, NJ 27.30 78 91 58 94 53 91
100 Fremont, CA 26.69 98 100 49 68 53 91

This article was originally published by WalletHub.


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