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City of Buda: Rain Barrel Distribution Event

Back by popular demand, the City of Buda is holding another  Rain Barrel Distribution event. This program is hosted in conjunction with The City Rain Barrel Program and provides residents an easy way to purchase rain barrels up to 54 gallons or rainwater storage tanks up to 100 gallons.

Barrels or tanks may be purchased at: http:/ / cityrainbarrelprogram. org/ partic ipating -c ities/ city-of -buda -tx.html

Rain Barrel Rebate FAQ Sheet: http:/ / www .c i. buda. tx.us/ Doc umentCenter/ View /4184

Rain Barrel Rebate Form: http:/ / ww w.c i. buda. tx.us/Doc umentCenter/  View/4185 



Pre-purchased barrels/tanks will be distributed at the date and time below. Residents must provide their own means of transporting the rain barrels or storage tanks home safely. You have until Friday, Oct. 7, 2016 to order your rain barrel.


Rain Barrel Distribution Event

Buda City Park

204 San Antonio Street Rain Barrel Distribution Event

Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016

9:00 A.M.— 12:00 P.M.

Please verify that your rain barrel/storage tank installation is in compliance with your HOA covenants or other neighborhood deed restrictions.


Why Rain Barrels?

With increasingly dry weather patterns, water conservation is a priority on the minds of many Central Texans. Collecting rain- water during wet times and storing it for use during dry periods is a water conservation technique that has been practiced for centuries. Rain barrels are an easy and inexpensive way for homeowners to begin their own small scale rainwater harvesting system


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