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City of Kyle opens applications for Boards, Commissions and Committees

Staff Reports

KYLE — The City of Kyle invites residents to become a vital link between citizens and the City Council by applying for openings on city boards, commissions, and committees now through Aug. 31.

The City of Kyle relies on the feedback, advice, expertise and time provided by the civic volunteers who serve on boards, commissions, and committees to keep the city government dynamic, responsive and accountable.

The City of Kyle has more than a dozen boards, commissions, and committees — including the Arts Commission, Board of Adjustment/Sign Control Board, Train Depot Board, Library Board, Civil Service Commission, Ethics Commission, Kyle Housing Authority, Planning & Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board, Kyle Economic Development and Tourism (ED&T) Board, Kyle Charter Review Commission, Kyle Area Youth Advisory Council and the Uptown TIRZ #2 Board — which strive to reflect the diverse interests and needs of Kyle residents.

The call for applications takes place from June 1 – Aug 31 of each year for consideration of appointment to all Boards, Committees and Commissions. This includes normal term expiration, reappointments or vacancies. Terms will begin on Oct. 1.

Applicants are encouraged to apply for all boards, committees or commissions that they are willing to serve. Council will consider all eligible applicants based on applicants’ preference for appointment.

Applications will be screened against the city code’s basic criteria for membership and all applications that meet city code criteria will be put into a pool for council consideration at a special called meeting that will be held prior to Sept. 30. Applicants are encouraged but not required to attend this special meeting.

For more information about City of Kyle boards, commissions, and committees or to apply, go to cityofkyle.com/bc. 

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