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City of San Marcos discusses grant opportunities during visit to Washington, D.C.

Staff Reports

Members of the San Marcos City Council and City staff have returned to San Marcos after visiting Washington, D.C. where they discussed federal programs and funding sources available to support San Marcos residents and the community as a whole.

During the visit, June 14 through June 16, the City’s representatives met with numerous elected officials and their staff members, including Rep. Michael Cloud, Rep. Lloyd Doggett, Sen. John Cornyn, and Sen. Ted Cruz. The visit also included meetings with staff from various federal agencies such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Department of Labor.

“Meeting face-to-face with our representatives in Washington, D.C. provided us a valuable opportunity to communicate San Marcos’ needs to our elected officials,” said Mayor Jane Hughson. “Our visit to the nation’s Capitol will assist us in applying for grants and developing programs that will benefit our residents and businesses.”

City staff worked with The Normandy Group, a bipartisan government relations firm, to develop a schedule for the visit focused on the City’s priorities. Discussion topics included improving transit and transportation, supporting flood mitigation efforts and public safety, and promoting economic and workforce development.

“We appreciate the opportunity we had to meet with our elected representatives and staff members from various federal agencies in Washington, D.C.,” said Interim City Manager Stephanie Reyes. “Following our productive conversations, we’re looking forward to pursuing potential funding to meet critical needs in our community.”

The annual visit is part of the City’s Intergovernmental Relations Program, which participates in state and federal legislative processes as directed by City Council. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City’s last visit to Washington, D.C. was in 2019.

For more information about the program, visit sanmarcostx.gov/IGR.

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