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City of San Marcos Rolls Out Neighborhood ‘Compliance Alliance’

Code Enforcement


City of San Marcos Neighborhood Services officials are asking residents to join the “Compliance Alliance,” a program that encourages property owners and tenants to fix common code violations and, in so doing, beautify their homes and neighborhoods.


“If we all work together, we can make a big difference in our neighborhoods and throughout the community,” said Fire Marshal Ken Bell.


Common violations include:

  • Trash and Tall Grass: Mow your yard regularly. Keep “natural” landscape free of weeds. Drain stagnant water. Pick up litter, rubbish, discarded personal items.
  • Residential Parking: Park on approved off-street parking spaces. No vehicles on street for greater than 24 hours. Park in back yards out of view from public way.
  • Parking prohibited on front and side yards.
  • Trash Containers: Place your trash container up next to the house on non-pickup days. Call TDS to schedule the pickup of bulky waste.
  • Occupancy Restriction: No more than two unrelated people can live at a residence in a single family neighborhood. By law, friends who stay over more often than not may be counted as residents.
  • Junk Vehicles: Cover the car with a form-fitting cover. Store vehicle in a garage or outside the city. Only permitted one covered vehicle.


A brochure with information on common violations is being sent to utility customers in their monthly bills. 


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