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City, University Team Up For Litter Control Challenge

Posted By Staff  |  @CorridorNews


The City of San Marcos in partnership with Texas State University is launching a new anti-litter campaign designed to encourage people to pick up one piece of litter each day and either recycle or trash it: challengeSMTX.  

Here’s how it works: take a video or picture of yourself picking and throwing away litter, and use the hashtag #challengeSMTX to document your post on any social media outlet.

“We all have a responsibility to keep San Marcos beautiful and litter-free,” said Amy Kirwin, Solid Waste Coordinator for the City. “Creating this challenge in a fun and engaging way to bring the community together.”

Over the summer, the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan Conservation Crew and Pristine Texas Rivers Inc., an organization contracted by the City, removed more than 2,500 pounds of litter from the San Marcos River, litter boats and parks adjacent to the river.

“All litter flows to the San Marcos River,” said Melani Howard, Habitat Conservation Plan Manager. “ChallengeSMTX will help keep our river clean.”

“Stormwater pollution is one of the biggest challenges we currently face as a community,” said Shawn Wolfshohl, Stormwater Systems Manager. “The challengeSMTX litter campaign will not only beautify the city, but will also help us maintain a healthy river.”

This campaign will be included in the MS4 Stormwater Management Plan, which helps the community abide by stormwater regulations issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

“The newly issued MS4 Stormwater Permit for the campus emphasizes pollution prevention though education and outreach, and this challenge is a great initiative to get our campus community involved,” said Lisa Arceneaux, Environmental Engineer for the Texas State University stormwater program.

For more information, visit www.sanmarcostx.gov/challengeSMTX. 

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