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Cleanest 2 Miles In Texas

Gary Job Corps has adopted 2 miles on Highway 21 in front of the Gary Center, Quail Creek Country Club, San Marcos Airport, and local residences. 

The original Adopt-a Highway program began right here in Texas in 1985. Since then, it’s grown into a nationally and internationally recognized litter-prevention effort, saving taxpayers’ dollars and keeping our rights of way clean.

Adopt-a-Highway currently has more than 3,800 participating groups across the state, this is the first year that the Gary Job Corps is an active partner in maintaining our most treasured asset, the “State of Texas”. 

Gary Job Corps…..Making a Difference in Texas! 

Pictured are from the Gary Job Corps staff, Lonnie Hall, Center Director, Susanne Ritter, Irma Pardo, Rachel Garnes, Barbara Sewell, Heather Burdick, Mikol Wilburn, Nicole Aaron, Pam Friese, Moaaz Khan, HOPE Students, Corrections and Security Students, also community partners; San Marcos Airport, Stacey Batch, Renae Gonzales, San Marcos Embassy Suites Elva Zdeb, Taylor Teis, and Green Group Marcos Villalobos.


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