Council To Consider Capital Improvement Bonds, Changing Mayor, Council Elections & Terms, Appointments To 2020 Census Committee
Staff Reports
Tonight, the San Marcos City Council will consider a resolution for a notice of intention regarding the issuance of Certifications of Obligation as well as appoint members to the Census 2020 Complete Count Committee.
- City Council will consider a resolution directing the publication of a Notice of Intent to issue Certificates of Obligation in the amount of no more than $31,000,000 for constructing, improving, designing and equipping approximately 11 capital improvement projects.
The full list of projects can be read below in the agenda item’s complete text.
Consider approval of Resolution 2019-62R, directing publication of a Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation in the amount of approximately $31,000,000 for Constructing, Improving, Designing and Equipping the City’s (1) Water and Waste Water System including Meter Upgrades, System Operating Software, Water Quality Improvements and Utility Relocation; (2) Electric Utility System including Master Planning and Studies, Utility Relocation, and Meter Upgrades; (3) Streets including related Drainage, Sidewalks, Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements; (4) Municipal Buildings to include the City Hall, Library and Charles S. Cock House; (5) Drainage and Flood Control Facilities; (6) Airport; (7) Public Safety Facilities to include Police and Fire Station Improvements; (8) Fiber Optic Infrastructure Equipment; (9) Recreational Facilities including the Sports Complex and City Parks; (10) Land Acquisition for a City Cemetery; and (11) the Payment of Professional Services in connection therewith including Legal, Fiscal and Engineering Fees and the costs of issuing the Certificates of Obligation and other matters related thereto.
In the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget process, the City of San Marcos approved a Capital Improvements plan that called for the funding of approximately $67.9 million in Capital improvement projects.
According to the agenda, the first step in issuing bonds is a resolution directing publication of the notice to the public; two public notices are required to be posted in the local newspaper.
The Certificates of Obligation are not to exceed $31,000,000 including the issuance cost.
Staff said a review is done prior to issuance to determine whether the project is still needed, if the project will begin in the next 12 months and if there is alternative funding for the project.
Projects that will not begin in the next 12 months are deferred to a future fiscal year.
According to the agenda packet, the preliminary breakdown of the funding for the 2019 CIP is the following:
• $30.7M-Bond funded
• $4.9M-Cash funded with Enterprise fund capital reserves
• $7.6M-Deferred to a later date
• $26.7M-Issued by ARWA for the future water supply/CDBG-DR funding
• $2.8M-Impact Fee funding
• $3.0M-New projects/additional funding for existing projects
• $1.9 million of deferred projects from prior years will be included in the debt issuance.
If the resolution is approved, a competitive sale will take place on May 21, and an ordinance adopting the pricing will be brought to City Council for consideration that evening.
The first Notice of Intention will be published in the newspaper on April 8 and the second on April 15.
- Additionally, council will consider Charter amendments, which could include changes to mayor/council elections. Earlier this year, Mayor Hughson suggested changing city council elections and the length of the city council and mayor terms. Read corresponding agenda packet documents HERE.
- Council members will also discuss and consider appointments to the Census 2020 Complete Count Committee and provide direction to staff.
City Council adopted a resolution creating the committee on Feb. 19 following a presentation by representatives of the U.S. Census Bureau on Jan. 15.
The committee will be comprised of the following mix of representatives from the community.
• Two Representatives of the City Council;
• Two Representatives of Texas State University
• Two Representatives of the business community
• Two Representatives of the school district and education sector
• Two Representatives of community/nonprofit organizations
• Two Representatives of faith-based groups
• Two Representatives of media
• Two Representatives of youth organizations
• Two Representatives of the healthcare industry
• Three at- large members
According to the agenda, the Complete Count Committees (CCC) program’s goal is to create awareness in communities all across the county.
The CCCs will utilizes local knowledge, influence and resources to educate communities and promote the census through local based, targeted outreach efforts.
“A CCC is comprised of a broad spectrum of government and community leaders from education, business, healthcare, and other community organizations. These trusted voices develop and implement a 2020 Census awareness campaign based upon their knowledge of the local community to encourage a response.”
The San Marcos City Council will convene in the City Council Chambers at 6:00 PM following an executive session.
Read full agenda HERE.