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County Commissioners Pass Resolution for Comprehensive Water Plan

Posted by Staff


County Commissioners Court Passes Resolution Calling for Comprehensive Water Planning

Hays County Courthouse, San Marcos, TX – The Hays County Commissioners Court, understanding the great need in Central Texas for responsible water planning and supply and recognizing the water deficit issues faced by Hays County residents and businesses, passed a multi-part resolution October 21 designed to encourage coordination between regional water planning groups authorized by the Texas Water Development Board. 

Hays County is split by two regional water planning districts – K and L – with Precinct 3 Commissioner Will Conley representing Hays County on Region L. The County does not have a representative on Region K.

Commissioner Conley said, “In western Hays County the Trinity Aquifer is the source for all groundwater. Anticipated growth and potential drought will cause additional stress on our local groundwater source that could have an impact on rural well owners and our environment. The two planning groups have estimated different amounts of increased water needs in their respective areas and both exceed what will ultimately be available without a comprehensive, manageable water supply plan that takes this unique area into consideration. There does not appear to be enough coordination between the two planning groups and that adversely impacts the greater Dripping Springs and Wimberley areas.”


The resolution states:

1.    Hays County Commissioners Court recommends that both Regional Water Planning Group “K” and Regional Water Planning Group “‘L”‘ include a Regional Water Management Strategy(s) that imports sufficient water from non-Trinity/non Edwards water sources into West Hays County to meet the forecast water shortages in Hays County within both regions.

2.    Hays County Commissioners Court recommends that the recommended Wholesale Water Providers for such imported water include not only LCRA and GBRA but also SAWS, HCPUA, CRWA, TWA, Forestar and any other Wholesale Water Providers capable of delivering such water into West Hays County.

3.    Hays County Commissioners Court appoints Commissioner Will Conley to represent the County to work with members of both Regional Water Planning Groups to accomplish such a Regional Water Supply Strategy.

Press Release provided by Hays County

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