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Courthouse holiday Lighting Ceremony

Santa scheduled to appear

Staff Reports

Hays County Courthouse – The Office of the Hays County Judge will proudly host the Annual Holiday Lighting of the Hays County Historic Courthouse on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 5pm.

After cancelling the event last year due to COVID, Judge Becerra felt the residents were ready to participate in the outdoor annual event.

“People are ready to socialize safely with their neighbors and we are happy to bring this free, fun holiday event back,” Becerra said.

Performances will be held by the San Marcos High School Marching & Mariachi Bands, and the A Cappella Unlimited Carolers. Also returning will be the 170-member Elm Grove Elementary Eagle Star Choir that last sang on the courthouse steps for the Census Kickoff the month before the pandemic.

The Mermaid Society has organized a small Merry Mermaid Market with Vendors selling holiday appropriate gifts. The Downtown Association will hand out cookies, the LBJ  Museum will serve hot chocolate, the Sheriff’s Office will be giving away cotton candy and the Council for the Indigenous & Tejano Community will also have treats for parents and children.

The San Marcos Main Street Association will have a letter writing table so residents may write a holiday letter to a veteran overseas and Brown Santa will be collecting new unwrapped toys for Hays County Children.

The Grinch and The Whos will be on hand to greet the guests and take photos with them and word is that Santa and one of his Elves will also make an appearance to talk to our boys and girls.

Holiday Lighting Ceremony_Flyer Final

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