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CTDRC Holds Mediation Workshops, Conflict Resolution Classes In Hays County

Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center held Mediation Workshops and Conflict Resolution classes with students and staff from Sycamore Springs Elementary, Rooster Springs Elementary, and Gary Job Corps. 

Classes taught students non-violent means of managing anger and resolving conflict, reducing time spent on disciplinary issues by school staff, and creating a more positive learning climate within the school environment. 

Pictured are staff and students from Gary Job Corps, Sycamore Springs Elementary, Rooster Springs Elementary, CTDRC Instructors Alyssa Kutach, Frank Rizzo, and Community Liaison Randolph Goodman.

The center offered a special thanks to the following supporter’s contributions, Hays County Sheriff Gary Cutler, Hays County Commissioners Lon Shell, Walt Smith, Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra, Gloria Garza Foundation, Sarah Brandon Law Offices, and Judge Beth Smith. 

For further information concerning the Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center, mediation services, mediation workshops, call 512-878-0382, www.centexdrc.org, email office@centexdrc.org.

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