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Denying Our Troops

Dear friend,
There are few issues as bipartisan and as important as supporting the men and women of our nation’s military. The President took the historic step of denying our troops the resources they need by vetoing the National Defense Authorization Act. This crucial bill provides funding and policy direction for the defense of our nation. President Obama drew a big red line in the sand, not against America’s enemies, but against the very men and women who have sworn to protect and defend us.
This bill passed the House of Representatives and the Senate with broad bipartisan support. This is the 54th year in a row that Republicans and Democrats in the House have come together to pass this legislation. And this marks just the fifth time in the last 35 years a veto of this bipartisan defense bill has occurred.
The President’s veto comes despite the fact that the defense bill contains the exact amount of funding requested in his own budget. At a time when terrorism and violent extremism threaten our national security, this Administration is blocking this crucial bill and at the same time downsizing our military.
The 21st Congressional District is home to over 60,000 veterans, current members of the military and their families. This bipartisan bill honors their service and sacrifice.
I remain committed to strengthening our national security, providing our military personnel with the resources they need, and ensuring our veterans receive the health care and benefits they have earned.
For more information about federal issues, or to send me an email, please visit the 21st District’s website http://lamarsmith.house.gov
Lamar Smith
Member of Congress

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