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Downtown Gallery Night Showcases Newly Opened Galleries

The Main Street Program will host a free showcase event from 5-8 p.m. on Thursday, March 24. Downtown Gallery Night will feature newly opened and established art galleries in downtown San Marcos.

Four galleries will participate in the first event of its kind and will include: Rio Claro Studio (120 W. Hopkins St.), Dahlia Woods Gallery (232 N. LBJ Dr.), 218 Studios (218 N. Guadalupe) and Café Monet Studio (145 E. Hopkins St.). A fifth stop at Kissing Alley (119 E. Hopkins St.) will feature a free photo booth and serve as a midway point for the galleries, which are all in walking distance of each other.

Art enthusiasts can start the gallery night at any of the listed locations and are encouraged to visit all four locations to see the diverse works of art each gallery boasts.

“We’re happy to welcome the addition of art galleries to the downtown San Marcos area,” said Samantha Armbruster, the San Marcos Main Street Program Manager. “They introduce a new audience to historic downtown and help communicate that there is something for everyone here.”

Rio Claro opened in September 2015. 218 Studios celebrated their grand opening on March 5, and Dahlia Woods Gallery is set to open in conjunction with the gallery night.

For more information about Downtown Gallery Night, contact the Main Street Office at 512.393.8430 or join the Downtown Gallery Night Facebook event page at: bitly.com/smtxgallery. 

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