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Dripping Springs HS Kicks Off Days Of Service 2019

Staff Reports

Dripping Springs High School’s Days of Service will become a reality Tuesday, March 26,  and Wednesday, March 27.

In September 2018, a group of student leaders at Dripping Springs HS started developing the idea of a school-wide community service day.

The events’ goals include building community and unity through service to others as well as recognizing the important of giving back to the community.

Tuesday and Wednesday will mark the inaugural event, which kicked off with an assembly on Monday, March 25.

In its inaugural year, the Day of Service will involve all juniors and seniors with the hope of expanding to all grades in the years to come.

Student leaders have reached out to organizations throughout the community to identify service projects for more than 900 students. 

On those days, students will spread out throughout the community to help with projects at multiple locations, including yardwork, clean-up activities, and more.

“These student leaders have demonstrated relentless energy, vision, and leadership to make this idea come to fruition,” said Principal Joe Burns. “This was an enormous undertaking and they encountered many challenges along the way, but they focused on their goal and found solutions where needed to make sure this event happens.”

With the support of the community, students also raised funds to pay for transportation, lunches and other supplies. Dripping Springs HS Students will be at approximately 20 locations throughout the community. 



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