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Editorial: The HCFCA Endorsement Of Hays County Props & ESD’s

The safety of the residents and visitors to Hays County is directly linked to the quality of its infrastructure and public safety agencies.

That is why, on October 19th, the Hays County Fire Chief’s Association voted unanimously to endorse the Hays County Propositions 1 and 2, as well as the election to create Hays County Emergency Services District #9 and the expansion of Emergency Services District #7 scheduled for November 8th.

Hays County Commissioners are continually tasked with meeting the demands of one of the fastest growing counties in the country.

This rapid growth has led to the need for safety improvements on our roadways, a new Emergency 911 Communications Center, an Emergency Operations Center, and upgrades to our antiquated jail facility.

As leaders in the First Responder community, we have seen these needs first hand. We have participated with the County Commissioners in the planning of these projects and are thankful they have heard and responded to our requests.

Our County Commissioners were elected as stewards of the taxpayer dollars and we believe they are making smart, educated decisions in the proposal of these bond elections to meet the current and future needs of the growing county.

As taxpayers, we want to be assured that our tax dollars are used responsibly, and that we are protected from unreasonable taxation, both are upheld in this bond election. We urge all citizens to come together in support of these measures.


In addition to the two bond propositions, some voters will see an Emergency Services District proposal on their ballot.

  • Residents in Eastern Hays County will vote for the creation of Hays County Emergency Services District #9. This district will serve the citizens of Kyle, Uhland, Niederwald, Mountain City, the Kyle ETJ and the San Marcos
  • Citizens in the subdivisions of Summer Mountain Ranch, Falconwood, Oakwood Loop, Hugo Rd and Cielo Ranch Rd be asked to vote on an annexation into ESD #7. This area has been served by Wimberley EMS for many years but has never been included in the This realignment will provide those residents a voice in their EMS service delivery.

The creation of the ESD #9 district and expansion of the ESD #7 district will provide funding for Emergency Medical Services to these areas. This is an important step in meeting the demands placed on our emergency services because of the rapid growth.

This is an important time for all of Hays County to stand together for safety and security. Please join us in voting “YES” on Proposition 1 and 2, as well as, the creation of Hays County Emergency Services District #9 and expansion of Emergency Services District #7 on November 8th.


President – Chief David Smith

Fire Marshal Ken Bell

Chief Mark Padier

Vice President – Chief Kyle Taylor

Fire Marshal Clint Browning

Chief Robert Simonson

Treasurer – Asst. Chief Chas Humphrey

Chief Carroll Czichos

Chief Les Stephens

Secretary – Emergency Management Coordinator Kharley Bagley Smith

Chief Scott Collard

Director Ken Strange

Training Coordinator – Asst. EMC Gib Watt

Chief Clay Huckaby


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