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False Acceptance Sent To 341 Students

By: Rebecca Banks
The Office of Undergraduate Admissions mailed a letter of apology to 341 of the 458 students who wrongly received acceptance brochures last week.
On April 7, the university accepted 117 applicants of the 458 students into Texas State. Twenty-six applicants completed the forms and are under review, and 30 were declined admission, said Jayme Blaschke, University News Service director.
“One applicant out of those 458 has withdrawn their application,” Blaschke said. “The remaining 284 still have incomplete applications.”
According to an April 7 University Star article, a third-party mailing vendor sent the acceptance brochures to students in error. The students were supposed to have been notified their applications were incomplete.
None of the 458 applicants had yet been accepted to the university, Blaschke said.
“It was through a third-party vendor handling mail-outs for university admissions,” Blaschke said.
Integ, a third-party mailing company, sent out the brochures, Blaschke said. University officials do not send information directly to applicants and instead
use Integ to mail notifications, Blaschke said.
The company made the error because officials received two mailing lists from the university admissions department, he said.
Blaschke said there was no clarification between the two mailing lists given to Integ. The university has been working with Integ since the error to understand why and how the mistake occurred. 

Rebecca Banks is a news reporter for the University Star where this story originally published, and is reprinted here through a news partnership between the University Star and Corridor News. 

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