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Every second Tuesday of the month, Hays County Food Bank clients have met to learn about nutrition and healthy cooking on a limited budget. Starting in March, this class will meet on the second Tuesday and final Thursday of every month. This class, called Food Wise is for families and individuals, and focuses on nutrition. Children and adults are both welcome. The cooking class focal point is on the nutrient value of individual fruits and vegetables. The Hays County Food Bank uses this class to teach families how to use the foods they receive from the food bank in a healthy way. The hands-on portion of the cooking class demonstrates how to cook the particular fruits and vegetables being featured. Fresh, seasonal produce is used in the class.
The Food Wise Classes are held at the San Marcos Housing Authority- Chapultepec Homes, from 6 o’clock p.m. to 8 o’clock p.m. on the second Tuesday and final Thursday of the month. Cauliflower was the star of the most recent class. Most recipes are vegan or vegetarian, and this time was no different. Clients learned how to make an Enchilada Cauliflower Rice Bowl. For the full recipe visit the Get FED blog at www.haysfb.com.  For more information about the Food Wise class, please visit www.haysfoodbank.org/programs/getfed/ or to sign up, please call Client Services Coordinator, Chadwic Layne at (512) 392-8300 x221.

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