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Gary Job Corps Observe ‘Day Of Remembrance 2017’

This year was the third anniversary of the observance of the “Day of Remembrance” at the Gary Job Corps Center.

This year was the third anniversary of the observance of the “Day of Remembrance” at the Gary Job Corps Center. The assembly was held on Sept. 11 and coincides with events around the U.S. in honor of “fallen heroes.”

“We are happy to share this occasion with our guests, partners, friends, staff, and students,” Lonnie Hall, Gary Job Corps Center Director shared with the assembly. “It is with a heavy heart that we celebrate this day; our personal involvement is the loss of one of our own, PFC Kristian Menchaca, who sacrificed his life in Iraq. We know that the price of freedom comes with a cost. Gary Job Corps would like to express their gratitude, especially in light of recent weather related tragedies, to all first responders, military, volunteer organizations, and helping hands. These selfless people are who make America great!”

Guest speakers were Constable David Peterson, First Sgt. Yvette Garcia, GJCC Community Relations Council President Elva Zdeb, Office of Commissioner Conley Sylvia Muzzy, Security Instructor Capt. Preston Smith and Business Community Liaison Randolph Goodman.

Pictured are from Gary Job Corps students from Student Government Association, Corrections/Security, Overhead Linesman, Gary Staff, Embassy Suites staff, Deputy Constables Pct.1, and local Army Recruiters. 


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