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GenTX Week Seeks To Establish College-Going Culture In Central Texas

GenTX Week Seeks To Establish College-Going Culture In Central Texas
The Center for P-16 Initiatives at Texas State University will observe Generation Texas Day on Friday, May 1, the culmination of GenTX Week starting April 27.
On May 1, all Texans are invited to join the movement that day by wearing their favorite college t-shirt. High schools all over the state will have GenTX Day pep rallies, and college-bound students will be showcased at local “Signing Day” events. Member of the community are encouraged to share their own stories of education and personally promote awareness within their community of the importance of higher education.
In partnership with the E3 Alliance, the Center for P-16 Initiatives is working to establish a college-going culture throughout Central Texas.
Generation Texas is a statewide, grassroots movement designed to inspire and inform underserved communities to access higher education.
The Center for P-16 Initiatives will be hosting and supporting college awareness events throughout the week, including Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) drives at the San Marcos Public Library (April 27) and Gary Job Corps (April 28), and a College Signing Day at Hays Consolidated High School (May 1). A regional college signing day celebration will be held at Huston-Tillotson (May 1) where more than 500 central Texas high school seniors will be honored for their commitment to attend college. United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Julian Castro, will be the keynote speaker.


To learn more, visit www.GenTX.org or contact Isaac Torres at the Center for P-16 Initiatives at (512) 245-8192.

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