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Gold Organ Donation Award Presented To Seton

Posted by Staff  |  @CorridorNews

Gold Organ Donation Award Presented to Seton Healthcare Family by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

AUSTIN, Texas – (Nov. 10, 2014) – Seton Healthcare Family is among a select group of hospitals nationwide that earned a 2014 Gold Organdonor.Gov Award, presented by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for activities to promote enrollment in state organ donor registries.

Seton is part of a national hospital campaign, Workplace Partnership for Life, sponsored by HHS’s Health Resources and Services Administration. The campaign convinced 327,659 more people to enroll in state organ donation registries nationwide since 2011, exceeding the goal of 300,000.

Currently, there are more than 100,000 people in the U.S. awaiting life-saving organ transplants. On average, 17 people die every day due to the lack of available, transplantable organs.

Seton hospitals often see opportunities to secure organs and provide them for transplants. It operates Central Texas’ only two Level 1 trauma centers, University Medical Center Brackenridge and Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas. In addition, Seton Medical Center Williamson is a Level 2 trauma center.

Seton, which received its award at a Nov. 7 luncheon, conducted awareness and registry campaigns to educate staff, patients, visitors and the general public about the critical need for people to sign up for organ, eye and tissue donations. Seton is credited with playing a key role in increasing the number of potential donors on the Texas donor registry.

Seton earned points for each activity implemented between June 2013 and May 2014. Gold is the highest award level attainable. Of the 1,228 hospitals and transplant centers participating in the campaign, 400 were awarded recognition of gold, silver or bronze. In Texas, 10 hospital systems won awards – eight gold and two silver.

See the full list of hospitals recognized here.

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