Graduate student enrollment increases at Texas State for spring 2021
Staff Reports
SAN MARCOS – Texas State University announced an increase of 9.2% in graduate student enrollment, with a total enrollment of 4,108 students in the graduate program for the spring 2021 semester.
Overall, Texas State reported a total enrollment of 34,550 students for spring 2021, which was a 0.5% decrease from last spring.
Most colleges saw increases in their graduate enrollments, with the largest increases seen in the McCoy College of Business Administration (+46%), the College of Liberal Arts (+10.4%), the College of Fine Arts and Communication (+ 9.7%) and the College of Education (+7.4%).
Texas State saw a greater increase in female graduate students (+10.8%) than male graduate students (+6.1%). In terms of race and ethnicity, the university had significant increases in Black/African American graduate students (+22.7%), white graduate students (+10.9%) and Hispanic graduate students (+3%). The international graduate student population decreased by 5%.
Overall, new master’s student enrollment was up 8.9% (32 students) over the previous spring while new doctoral students was up by 150% (four students).
New undergraduate enrollment, including new freshmen, transfers and readmissions, also increased by 8%, or 140 students, over last spring.
The College of Science and Engineering continues to be the largest academic college by headcount with 5,927 students, followed by the College of Liberal Arts with 5,695, the College of Education with 4,699 and the College of Fine Arts and Communication with 4,699.