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Hays CISD Meeting Agenda – Tuesday, January 17

“Consideration and possible adoption of the Resolution Concerning the A-F Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools.”

Item M.13 the Hays CISD Board of Trustee’s will be considering and possible adoption of the;

“Resolution Concerning the A-F Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools.”

“The proposed resolution calls on the Texas Legislature to repeal the A-F letter-grade school/district rating system that will be implemented in the 2017-18 school year as part of House Bill 2804, passed by the Legislature in 2015, and offers an alternative: development of a community-based accountability system.”

“The resolution notes that, despite A-F rating systems being implemented in 16 other states, there is no evidence that these systems have helped to improve student or school performance. It points out that the majority of the grades assigned by the Texas A-F rating system will be based on students’ scores on the STAAR, a standardized test…”


Meeting Minutes

  • On the agenda below, item L.1 you will find a link to view the December 12, 2016 meeting minutes up for approval Tuesday evening. These minutes are not final and they may be changed during the Tuesday meeting. 


[gview file=”http://smcorridornews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Hays-CISD-Agenda-Regular-Meeting-Tuesday-1-17-2016.pdf”] 


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